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Different Types of IEP Meetings

If your child is on an IEP, you may be invited to multiple IEP meetings throughout the year, but at least one is required yearly by law. Please review the types of IEP meetings below and let me know if you have any questions. 

Initial TEAM Meeting - After a building assistance meeting (BAM), the TEAM may recommend that your child be evaluated for special education eligibility. Once you sign consent for testing, the evaluations will be completed within 30 days, and an initial team meeting will be held to review the evaluations and determine eligibility within 45 school days of signed consent. Anyone who completed an evaluation or works with your child may attend this meeting. 

Annual Review Meeting: Within 365 days of the last IEP meeting, an annual review must be held to discuss your child's progress and re-write their IEP for the next year-long period. Your child's special education teacher, general education teacher, and anyone who provides services to your child (speech pathologist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, etc.) will be invited to the annual review to report on progress and the new goal they will work on. 

3-year Re-Evaluation (Triennial Reevaluation): Every three years, schools are required to reevaluate kids with IEPs. The purpose of the triennial is to see if your child’s needs have changed. It’s also to see if your child still qualifies for special education services. Like at an initial, you must sign an evaluation consent form in order for re-evaluations to be administered. The TEAM will reconvene and review the evaluations, determine if your child remains eligible, and re-write their IEP if they continue to be eligible. 

Team Reconvene: Your child's IEP TEAM may reconvene at any time, as many times throughout the year as is necessary to ensure that he or she is making progress. An IEP team reconvene may be requested by the parent or guardian (you) or a member of the IEP team. Reconvenes may be scheduled to talk about progress with a new initiative or program, to review an outside evaluation, to discuss a concern, or for any other reason. 

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